Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Warming And Its Effect On Human Health - 1367 Words

As President Barack Obama once stated, â€Å"There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate† (The White House 2014). Climate change is at the forefront of politics in the twenty-first century. Scientists agree: the planet is warming and something must be done. There is a consensus among the scientific community, with 97% of experts agreeing that humans are causing global warming. For comparison’s sake, â€Å"scientists are as certain that humans are responsible for most recent climate change as they are that cigarettes are harmful to human health† (Romm 9). Despite this scientific certainty, many humans are still skeptical about climate†¦show more content†¦These gases â€Å"trap some of the reradiated heat, as they act as a partial blanket† for the planet (1). This process keeps the planet much warmer than it would be otherwis e, allowing it to be habitable for humans. Since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the early nineteenth century, humans have been emitting â€Å"billions of tons of extra greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, causing more and more heat to be trapped† (2). The primary greenhouse gas emitted by humans is CO2, mostly by coal-fired power plants. Carbon continues to accumulate in the atmosphere, with emissions today being â€Å"six times higher than they were in 1950† (2). This chain of events has caused the Earth to warm by 1.5 ° F (0.8 ° C). About 1 ° F of this warming has occurred since 1970, suggesting that the planet’s temperature will continue to increase more rapidly. This science is at the basis of climate change, and understanding this process is crucial in finding solutions. A warmer planet is currently and will continue to impact society on a large scale. As the U.S. Pentagon described, climate change is a â€Å"threat multiplier† (Powers). The risks that accompany climate change are extensive. One of the â€Å"most visible and dangerous† of these risks is sea-level rise (Romm 4). The warming caused by humans has led to a rise in ocean levels. This increase is by at least several inches. In addition, the rate of sea level rise has doubled in the last century. This

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Humanistic Psychology Essay - 1631 Words

The focus of this paper is the person-centered approach, which is the understanding of personality and human relationships in psychotherapy and counseling in the areas of client-centered therapy, education of student-centered learning, organizations, and other group settings. Even though psychoanalysis and behaviorism have made major contributions to psychology, it has influenced the understanding and practices of the humanistic movement, specifically with the therapies for the different mental disorders. Psychoanalysis understands the unconscious behavior, behaviorism focuses on the conditioning process that produces behavior. Humanistic psychology focuses on the persons potential to act as a whole person in a nurturing environment by†¦show more content†¦It is important that the therapist conduct sessions in a way where they are showing themselves in the session without pretense. This allows a growth-promoting climate with the psychoanalysis of the client’s behavio r. An important factor for a successful person-centered therapy allows clients the freedom to develop and control their own lives, rather than being tied to their past (Goodwin, 2008). This method also denotes and consists of psychotherapy theory and humanistic therapy where the concentration is on the present rather than the past, and the humanistic analyst tends to underlines awareness instead of being unaware. Both theories share a common method while patients and clients converse their feelings vocally and the therapist provide analyses. In a humanistic therapy approach or a person-centered psychoanalysis, the therapist’s center of attention is on the conscious of the client to show their awareness. In this environment, such as the therapist displays realism, acceptance and kindness, as an effort in helping the client to openly convey their feelings. These types of sessions allows for information to flow between the client and the therapist in a humanistic genuineness, realness, professional and no faà §ade way. The idea is for the client to freely express their thought and feelings to the psychotherapists so that in return kindness and acceptance isShow MoreRelated Humanistic Psychology Essay1424 Words   |  6 PagesClassical Greece and Europe of the Renaissance, when such affirmations were expressed. Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences. Ivan Pavlovs work with the conditioned reflex had given birth to an academic psychology in the United States led by John Watson, which came to be called quot;the scienceRead MoreHumanistic Psychology Essay1421 Words   |  6 PagesClassical Greece and Europe of the Renaissance, when such affirmations were expressed. Humanistic Psychology is a contemporary manifestation of that ongoing commitment. Its message is a response to the denigration of the human spirit that has so often been implied in the image of the person drawn by behavioral and social sciences. Ivan Pavlovs work with the conditioned reflex had given birth to an academic psychology in the United States led by John Watson, which came to be called the science of behaviorRead MoreThe Values Of Humanistic Psychology767 Words   |  4 Pagesvalues of Humanistic Psychology is its emphasis on human potential for growth. The perspective is hopeful one. It does not mean that humanistic psychologists overlook challenge and darkness in people’s lives (see Hoffman, 2009). I believe that our choice to value individual potential for growth and actualization provides openings for discovering the value(s) of challenges we face in life. Hoffman, E. (2009). Rollo May on Maslow and Rogers: No theory of evil. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 49(4)Read MoreEssay on Humanistic Psychology1101 Words   |  5 PagesAugustine was a saint and philosopher. Some of Augustine’s thought can be related to the practice of humanistic psychology. My professional focus is the psychotherapy category called Humanistic-Experiential. Humanistic-Experiential therapies are, â€Å"psychotherapies emphasizing personal growth and self-direction† (Butcher, et al, 2006). The humanistic approach places primary importance upon human interests, values, and most importantly the belief in human potentials (Schultz Schultz, 2009, pp297)Read MorePsychodynamic And Humanistic Theories Of Psychology1634 Words   |  7 PagesPsychodynamic and Humanistic Personality Theories The study of the human mind is an interesting topic to discuss about, we have many theorists that have come up with many different ideas or theories, in how to evaluate the mind of humans, two main ways to study the mind in psychology are psychodynamic approach and humanistic approach. Even though these theories are to evaluate human minds they have different views in how the mind works. In psychodynamic approach, the way the mind is viewed is thatRead MorePersonality, Psychology, And Humanistic Approach1362 Words   |  6 Pageshuman being ( That is one of many ways of defining personality. When examining personality, there are four main approachable theories including: The Psychodynamic Approach, The Trait Approach, The Social-Cognitive Approach, and The Humanistic Approach. The Psychodynamic Approach was first approach by Sigmund Freud; he dealt with the understanding that personality came from our unconscious state of mind. And that unconscious state interacted to determine our thoughts, behaviors, andRead MoreHumanistic Psychology Essay examples1165 Words   |  5 Pagesbeen increasingly popular from the mid-20th century. In the early 1960s, a movement named third-force psychology started as a reaction to the defect of behaviorism and psychoanalysis to deal fully with the human condition (Hergenhahn, 2008). This third-force movement is humanistic psychology, which refers to the combination of the philosophy of romanticism and existentialism. Humanistic psychology instead paid more attention to each individuals potentials and highlighted the importance of self-actualizationRead MoreOverview of Humanistic Psychology Essay1399 Words   |  6 Pages Humanistic Psychology is a psychological perspective that highlights the study of a person in whole. These psychologist look at human behavior not just through the eyes of the viewer, but also through the eyes of the client that has the behavior. These psychologist believe that an individuals behavior is associated to his or her intimate feelings and their self image. Humanistic psychologist accepts human beings are not just a commodity of the environment. These psychologist study human meaningsRead MoreHumanistic Psychology : Psychology And Psychology1748 Words   |  7 PagesHumanistic Psychology is a psychological sub-field which became prominent in the 20th century as a response to the limitations of the psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism (Cherry, n.d.). The main purpose is to help patients gain a belief that all people are inheritably good. Its roots starts with Socrates and emphasizes an individual’s inherent drive towards self-actualization. Humanistic psychology utilizes a holistic approach to human existence and focuses on things such as creativity, free willRea d MoreHumanistic Psychology And The Other Disciplines Essay1533 Words   |  7 PagesHumanistic psychology was created as a response to the limitations of the two forces already established, psychoanalytic and behaviorist psychology. One of the biggest differences between humanistic psychology and the other disciplines is that it views humanity in a holistic and optimistic manner rather than in fragmentations. One of the most significant and founding theorists of this humanism force was Carl Rogers. His contributions to the field, research on personality, and his psychotherapy techniques

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Mood of Romeo and Juliet Free Essays

The Heartbreaking Ending: A Tragic Mood in Shakespeare’s Love Story Most people think of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, as a love story. But as the title suggests, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is just that: a tragedy. The narrative is about the struggles of Romeo and Juliet’s love despite the century-long feud between their families. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mood of Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like many tragedies, which end with fatality, the play ends with the deaths of the â€Å"star-crossed lovers. † Throughout the play, Shakespeare conveys strong feelings, or moods. In Act Five, Scene Three of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses imagery, irony, and symbolism to create a tragic mood. The first device Shakespeare uses to create a tragic mood is imagery. After the bodies of Romeo, Juliet, and Paris are found, Lady Capulet describes the scene in Verona: O, the people in the street cry ‘Romeo,’ Some ‘Juliet,’ and some ‘Paris’; and all run With open outcry toward our monument. (V. iii. 191-193) These lines show the chaotic aftermath of the death of the three adolescents. This creates a tragic mood because the audience gets a picture of a sad, weeping community. The sense of distress and grief depicts tragedy and sorrow throughout the town. A second device used is irony. There are many examples used in Act Five. One instance of dramatic irony is when the audience knows that Juliet is under a sleeping potion, but Romeo does not, and he is about to kill himself. When Romeo enters the Capulet tomb, he sees Juliet and cries out: Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Though art not conquered. Beauty’s ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks And death’s pale flag is not advanced there. (V. iii. 92-96) Here Romeo is describing Juliet and how beautiful she is, even though she’s â€Å"dead. † She is actually beautiful because she is still alive! The audience feels so awful for Romeo, because right after he kills himself Juliet wakes up and finds her lover is dead because of her. Shakespeare’s use of irony appeals to the readers’ emotions, creating a tragic mood. Lastly, Shakespeare created a tragic mood by using symbolism. Previously, the Friar described poison in a soliloquy: O, mickle, is the powerful grace that lies In plants, herbs, stones, and other true qualities; For naught so vile that on the earth doth live But to the earth some special good doth give; Nor ought so good, but, strained from that fair use, Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. (II. iii. 5-20) The Friar is saying that +true and naturally good things can be turned bad when not properly used, like poison derived from plants. This is like the feud between the Montagues and Capulets, which corrupted the love between Romeo and Juliet to the point of death. This creates a tragic mood because something completely innocent has been manipul ated by human hands. The poison was originally harmless plants; it symbolizes the feud between the families. Both the poison and the feud literally and figuratively killed Romeo and Juliet. This creates a tragic mood because if it were not for the feud, they would have lived happily ever after. Shakespeare created a tragic mood in Romeo and Juliet by using irony, imagery, and symbolism. Imagery gives us insight to the chaotic mess of people in Verona. Irony plays on our emotions and makes us sympathetic for Romeo’s unawareness. Symbolism gives a deeper meaning to the deaths. He contrasts this tragic mood with the feelings of love and romanticism earlier in the play. Shakespeare does this to show that in life, things go wrong and there are not always happy endings. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Elements of Literature Third Course. Orlando: Holt, 2007. 901-1024. How to cite The Mood of Romeo and Juliet, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Monopolistic Market Structure-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Questions: 1.Explain what kind of Average Revenue curve does a Monopoly Firm Faces and why? 2.What do you understand by Discriminatory Monopoly? Bring out the Conditions that enable the Monopoly firm to charge different prices for its Product in different Markets. Answers: 1.The monopolistic market structure is characterized by a single seller and many buyers, with the seller enjoying absolute market power as the product sold by the seller has no close substitutes. The entry and exit of the market is highly restricted. The average revenue in any market is defined as the total revenue earned by the firms by the units of commodities sold. Thus, the average revenue curve can also be defined as the curve showing the revenue per unit of the firms. In case of a monopoly firm, the average revenue curve is a downward sloping curve, which decreases with the increase in the units of the commodities (Rader 2014). This can be shown with the help of the following figure: Figure 1: Average Revenue Curve in Monopoly Market (Source: As created by the author) As can be seen from the above figure, the average revenue curve, in case of a monopoly firm, is the price charged by the monopolist per unit of the commodity or service sold by him, which makes the AR curve similar to the demand curve for the monopolist itself. This is because the monopolist captures the whole of the market at any given level of output. Therefore, to increase the number of units of their goods, which they want to sell, the monopolists have to reduce their price as to attract new customers they need to capture that clientele who have not already bought the concerned commodity. Thus, the average revenue curve or the demand curve in case of a monopolist is downward sloping (Ekelund Jr and Hbert 2013). 2.The monopoly market structure, consisting of one seller and many buyers, allow the sellers to enjoy full market power and price-decisive capabilities. Often this capability leads to an economic phenomenon, which is known as discriminating monopoly. The discriminating behavior is the practice of usually the monopolists to charge different prices from different consumers, depending upon their willingness to pay for the product. In Discriminating Monopoly, the same producer charges higher prices from a sector of his or her clientele and comparatively lower prices from another sector for a commodity whose cost of production is uniform for the producer. The degrees of discrimination, however, vary according to the discriminating power of the monopolists and the nature of demands of the consumer (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte 2012). Figure 2: Price discrimination in monopoly market (Source: As created by the author) As can be seen from the above diagram, the monopolist can charge higher price for the same product in Market A, than in Market B, as in market A, the demand is more inelastic as compared to Market B. This helps the monopolists to increase their revenue. Conditions for Discriminating Monopoly There are several conditions under which the monopolists, which are as follows, can do price discrimination: a) There should be differences in the price elasticity of demand of the consumers in different markets. b) The markets should be geographically distant or there should be at least difference of time. c) The possibility of arbitrage (the tendency of a group of individuals to buy from a place of cheaper price and to sell at a place with higher demand and higher price) should be absent between the markets (Dixon et al. 2012) References Dixon, P.B., Bowles, S., Kendrick, D., Taylor, L. and Roberts, M., 2012.Notes and problems in microeconomic theory(Vol. 15). Elsevier. Ekelund Jr, R.B. and Hbert, R.F., 2013.A history of economic theory and method. Waveland Press. Rader, T., 2014.Theory of microeconomics. Academic Press. Solomon, M., Russell-Bennett, R. and Previte, J., 2012.Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU