Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension - 954 Words

Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension The human body is a very complex organism composed of different types of systems and functions. All the functions that each system has, is what makes possible for the body to obtain life. One of the most important systems in one’s body is the circulatory system, where the heart, the lungs, and the blood vessels work together to form the circle part of the circulatory system. The pumping of the heart forces the blood on its journey. The body’s circulatory system really has three parts: pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, and systemic circulation. Each part must be working independently in order for them to all work together. However, when one of the parts of the circulatory system does not†¦show more content†¦It involves the tightening of blood vessels connected to and within the lugs. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood thorough the lungs, much as it is harder to make water flow through a narrow pipe a s opposed to a wide one. Over time, the affected blood vessels become both stiffer and thicker, further increasing the blood pressure within the lungs and impairing blood flow. In addition, the increase workload of the heart causes thickening and enlargement of the right ventricle, making the heart less able to pump blood through the lungs, causing right heart failure. As the blood flowing through the lungs decreases, the left side of the heart receives less blood. This blood may also carry less oxygen than normal. Therefore it becomes harder and harder for the left side of the heart to pump to supply sufficient oxygen to the rest of the body, especially during physical activity. Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension do not usually occur until the condition has progressed. The first symptom of pulmonary hypertension is shortness of breath with everyday activities, such as climbing stairs. Fatigue, dizziness, and fainting spells can also be symptoms. Swelling in the abdomen, ankles or l egs, bluish lips and skin, and chest pain may occur as strain on the heart increases. Symptoms rangeShow MoreRelatedIncreased Altitude : Adverse Effects On The Cardiopulmonary System1620 Words   |  7 Pagesoutput, and a mild increase in blood pressure. This happens by hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, in which the pulmonary arteries (PA) constrict, and redirect the blood flow to the alveoli with a higher oxygen capacity. This improves the ventilation to perfusion matching, as well as arterial blood flow, but as a result can be harmful in long term hypoxia. Also, as a result of pulmonary vasoconstriction and increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, cerebral blood flow increases instantly, but if theRead MoreTypes And Classifications Of Pulmonary Hypertension2414 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract Pulmonary hypertension is a disease that without treatment becomes progressively worse until a patient dies. 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